Good wine makes us dream

 Welcome to LAURUSVINI. Ambassador of Italian Fine Wines in the Netherlands. We propose an exceptional portfolio that carry the power of unique experiences, through Italian identity, heritage and quality. We allow wine lovers and hospitality premises in the Netherlands to access carefully selected artisanal wines. Wines that will accompany many of your caring life moments.

Inspire wine lovers with life stories

We bring you a collection inspired by the Italian lifestyle of “La Gioia di Vivere”. Emotional connection is created at your table by generations of winemakers dedicated to true craftmanship. Wines with genuine life stories. Wines that make you dream!

“Il vino per me è come un bambino piccolo: si deve coccolare perchè possa crescere nel miglior modo possibile, e poi essere imbottigliato con orgoglio e gioia”
 -Toni Rottensteiner, Bolzano, Dolomiti -

Ambassador of Italian Fine Wines

LAURUSVINI carries the philosophy of an uncompromising search for authenticity and excellence. We establish genuine and long-lasting relationships with passionate winegrowers at one end, and stories of emotion and encounters for wine lovers at the other. We enable a direct bridge between Italy and the Netherlands, delivering to your door pure Italian elegance, aromas and traditions.

Why the name Laurus? 
Laurus has been a symbol of excellence and wisdom for the Romans. Excellence in wines is expressed through ‘Terroir’: the earth, climate and human components interacting together. The wines selected for our portfolio are a pure representation of our philosophy.


Each bottle has been discovered, tasted and selected by us. Every sip is an ode to Italian craftsmanship. Every glass comes with a 100% tasting guarantee.

Personal advice with attention to your taste, wishes and possibilities. Also for a pleasant wine tasting and exclusive wine gifts.

We take care of ordering & delivery slightly differently. Simply by telephone, email or WhatsApp. We will immediately make an appointment for delivery. Even up to your wine cellar!